A Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing — Tacky, Expensive, Clothing

Sequoia Rudolph
3 min readOct 4, 2021

Who is Krysten Sinema?

That’s what thousands of democratic voters in the state of Arizona are asking themselves.

Krysten Sinema is not:

A team player.

She gave a thumbs down to $15 minimum wage and refused to eliminate the filibuster to pass voting rights. Many of her devoted supporters and hard core fans have “had it” according to a recent New York Times article. Now, she stands as a roadblock to getting anything done in Washington.

Even in Tucson, there is a resounding, “I’ll never vote for that woman again!”

I voted for this?

A representation of her constituents.

She considers herself an enigma. She doesn’t make a comment … about anything important. My guess is that she doesn’t want to bite the hand that pays for all of those crazy outfits. Taxing rich people could send her back to social work or god forbid, LAW!

I voted for this.

A person of integrity.

She’s willing to blow it up and watch it burn. The consequences not only for the state of Arizona, but the entire country are devastating.

I did vote for her.

An adult woman with a sense of fashion. She dresses like a ten year old girl in a superhero costume, desperate for attention. This may be a diversion tactic. If the press is focused on her wardrobe, no one will suspect that she has absolutely no idea how to be a real leader. Or, a super hero.

I didn’t vote for her wardrobe.

A democrat. I’m not saying that Democrats are sheep, or that Republicans are wolves. I am saying she is a Republican in a Democrat disguise.

Footnote: She didn’t have to sell herself. I was so grateful that a Good Ole Boy wasn’t running for office, I would have voted for anyone. (Not Martha McSally, who is a card carrying member of the Good Ole Boys Club.)

Krysten Sinema is:

I believe she is a plant from the conservative party. Her mission is to sow seeds of complete chaos wherever she goes.

So cozy with Ted. Rubbing two brain cells together.

As I listen to her say nothing important. She has never stated what it is she does want in the Infrastructure Bill. Except to delay it.

And I watch her do nothing important. She’s busy planning her next fashion faux pas.

She is an obstruction to President Biden’s plan to build back better. And, the rest of the democratic party. Being a ringer for the GOP is the only plausible reason she is in Washington D. C. as a United States Senator.

Oh yea, I voted for her.

She is an embarrassment. And a smart ass.

I teach fifth grade special education and I hear juvenile nonsense everyday much like Sen. Sinema’s response to an NBC reporter. Honestly, is she high?

This takes the cake for being “special”.

A huge disappointment for those of us who voted for her. She’s on the gravy train and connected to the likes of billionaire, Bill Price. She really doesn’t give a shit about the middle class and even less about the poor.

Seth Meyers said, “…You are a United States senator, you don’t get to play coy… It’s not your job to be mysterious. This isn’t a perfume commercial.”

According to the Daily Beast, drug companies are supporting Krysten Sinema.

I didn’t know she had connections to drug companies before I voted for her. I guess I didn’t know her at all. It sounds like no one did.

That is a bitter pill to swallow.



Sequoia Rudolph
Sequoia Rudolph

Written by Sequoia Rudolph

I'm a retired teacher, traveler, author of In Time Out, a novel about teaching special education on the island of Maui, and proud rescue doggie mom.

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