Donald Trump is Stranger Than Fiction
Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn’t.
~Mark Twain
The great American novel. Waiting to be written.
Donald Trump is a paid puppet. His antics are part of the script he was hired to perform. A foreign government recruited him to dismantle the United States of America, brick by brick.
His entitled, dysfunctional, children are part of the deal. They are supporting characters. Props used to distract the masses. The ridiculousness of their behavior is spellbinding and never- ending.
Wifey is a high dollar call girl. She is paid the big bucks to keep everyone guessing. Who is she? She doesn’t know. What’s she wearing? Something expensive and offensive. Being married to Donald is the closest thing she will ever have to a real paycheck.
Change your name to protect yourself. There are no innocents in this story.
The Donald is behind the curtain. An old, fat, white dude who is pulling strings and flipping switches to keep the façade of superiority and wealth alive. All smoke and mirrors. The truth is, he’s not superior or wealthy, but he has the ability to “stir up the crazies.” According to the late Senator McCain.
One subplot is the virus that has brought the country to a standstill. Donald is relieved. He doesn’t have to shake hands with the great unwashed. That would be everyone.
Footnote: I guess the good looking actors didn’t need the money. Or, perhaps they weren’t willing to throw their country under the bus. Destroy democracy for a dollar.
Donald’s term as president has been episodic. By design.
There have been many nonfiction books published by former white house officials and relatives about IQ45, his code name in the novel. True stories of betrayal, dirty deals, and “perfect” phone calls.
He has done everything but shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue. That chapter should be added. This is fiction after all.
Now is the time for someone to write the great American novel. The title, Keep America Filled with Hate. The plot writes itself. No one could have possibly made this shit up.
The ending is truly the end. For America.
Maybe Donald will be poisoned by the foreign government once he has completed his purpose. To divide the country and make us afraid of each other. Perhaps he will die as a result of the virus he has downplayed. Maybe his wife will join a convent. Or she might marry the head of the foreign government who now runs the show in Washington. She’s the one who refuses to leave the White House.
Then again, the perfect ending could be that the entire Trump Clan end up in jail. But hold on! This is a novel not a fairytale.
I’m too busy to write the book. Someone else will need to do it.
I’m learning to speak Russian.
So long присоска.