Extraterrestrial Litter
Okay, Houston, we’ve had a problem here. ~ John Swigert, Astronaut
I love road trips. Or, I thought I loved road trips.
I decided to drive across the country to visit my mother in Nebraska. Western Nebraska. An isolated town served by the worst government subsidized airline on the planet. Make that every planet.
One of the things I love about road trips is there are fascinating places to visit along the way. Or, that is one of the things I thought I liked about road trips.
Located on cosmic highway 17 north of Alamosa, Colorado is the world famous UFO WATCH TOWER.
I suspect this is the type of side trip that led my adult children to block out their entire childhood.
For example, I recently asked my youngest daughter if she remembered our family camping trip at Devils Tower, Wyoming.
“The people who owned the campground showed the film Close Encounters of the Third Kind on the side of a barn. But, the best part was a family of racoons meandered through the audience begging for snacks.”
“Honestly, you have no recollection?” I considered this camping trip as one of my finest moments of motherhood. “How could you not remember?”
“I don’t.”
Good thing she was not with me when I pulled into the UFO WATCH TOWER. Yet another mother-daughter experience she would need to purge from her mind.
Flying saucer buffs contend that the San Luis Valley is the best place in the world to see UFO’s. Most of them flock to the tower at night, I visited in the middle of the afternoon. The strangest sight was the “Healing Garden”.
Talk about weird shit. It’s a trash heap. Really.
I strolled through discarded clothing, empty beer cans, religious articles, and several items that were other worldly. Unidentifiable.
Anyone who leaves something personal behind is invited to to make a request. Judy, the owner explained that there are two large beings who guard the vortexes and protect the landing sight. The beings are there to help.
She said people report back to her that their requests are often granted.
“Did you leave something?” A friend asked when I returned to Tucson.
“Hell no. It was like littering. Do I want two beings watching me? Reminds me of Catholic school.”
“It couldn’t hurt.”
“Why would someone ditch their bra? I can guess what her request was.”
I didn’t mention that I had left personal items in other vortex locations. Sedona, Haleakala, Machu Picchu. No wishes granted.
During my tour through the gift shop I overheard an excited visitor from this planet relay his story of an alien sighting, and Judy responded with equal enthusiasm.
“I have seen a similar event with my own eyes!” As it turns out, she has seen over two dozen alien crafts from the watchtower.
Judy asked me to sign the guest register and she asked, “Where you from?”
“Girl you're long way from home. Ya aren't traveling alone?”
I thought her observation ironic as some of her guests are from outer space. She has separate sign in book for the visitors who believe they are extraterrestrials. I’m not making this shit up!
The view from the tower is 360 degrees of spectacular. The Great Sand Dunes in the distance, crystal blue skies, and snow capped Rocky Mountains. If I were a visitor to Earth, this is the spot I would check out.
Several kids played a chase game. They made a lot of racket. I smiled and remembered my own children doing just that so many years ago. I haven’t purged my mind of all memories from their childhoods. Many good moments flooded in and washed over me. Soccer games, Halloween costumes, bedtime stories, pushing a swing at the park, a pink bathrobe and batman p.j.’s.
Sleeping children. Clean and safe.
A moment of calm, peaceful reflection. Gratitude.
I waved good bye to Judy, and drove away from the UFO WATCHTOWER without leaving anything behind but my best wishes for all beings everywhere.
My only regret … I didn’t purchase the little green man garden ornament as a souvenir.
Maybe next time.