I Am Not OKAY!
“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.”
~ Who Knows?
It’s the day after the election, and once again a criminal has been elected to the highest office in the land.
Back when Trump was elected the first time, I lived on Maui. That day I met a friend at Starbucks for coffee. We were inconsolable as we sobbed in each others arms standing in the parking lot. The patrons in Starbucks on South Kihei Road were equally broken-hearted. We all knew what could happen and now we know what did happen.
My life is different now than it was eight years ago. But I’m as heartsick as I was then; maybe more so. I’m scared shitless of what is going to happen next!
Living next door to age 70, I’ll no longer require an abortion, but lets face it, abortion is not the real issue. The issue is the freedom for a woman’s right to make her own choice.
As a retired teacher, my finances are OK. I pay $1.50 more for this or that at the grocery store. But, I care about those who cannot afford food for their families. It is short sighted and neglectful not to care. Will Trump and his “people” fix inflation in the early days of his presidency? Nope. He will busy himself rounding up his perceived enemies and seek revenge first. At least that is the promise he repeatedly spouts to his base, as they cheer him on.
My health is good and I rarely seek medical assistance. I do depend on Medicare and so far, I have been pleased with the service. However, abolishing the Affordable Care Act for millions of Americans without offering an alternative will sentence people to suffer with treatable illness and die unnecessarily. Not to mention collapsing our wobblily medical system with a “concept of a plan.”
Immigrants play a significant role in the agricultural community. Who harvests crops, works in slaughterhouses, and in factories all over the United States? Not Old White Guys in Red Ties.
It appears that farmers and ranchers voted themselves out of business. Where are they going to find people willing to work for minimum wage after their elected savior deports their entire work force?
Trump vows a mass deportation of immigrants and he wants to use a strained police force to do it. Spoiler alert to everyone who voted for this jackass: You think groceries are expensive now? Just wait until there is nobody left to load the truck of lettuce, strawberries, or sugar beets. No one to process beef or pork in the slaughterhouses. We will be “eating the dogs, and eating the cats, and eating the pets of the people that live here.”
I could go on, but my point is I don’t vote only for my immediate needs. Those needs change over time. Just because groceries cost more at the moment, I’m not going to support a complete lunatic.
Voting is a privilege not a me-first-gimme-gimme game. The 2024 election result feels… off. I’m sure we, the people, will never get the full story of how this convicted felon pulled a win.
I’m not okay. I’ve caught a severe case of conspiratory-itus.
Here are 5 of my symptoms:
- My cheeks burn as I ponder how Black and Hispanic men are severely discriminated against in today’s culture. To bad they had the chance to vote for a sister who had their backs, and yet they turned their back on her. Shame on you! Don’t whine the next time you find yourself in a tight spot with the cops. Or, on a plane to Mexico.
- My blood boils when I realized the bottom line… Kamala Harris is a female. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what her accomplishments are, how great her proposed plans for a better country are, her inclusive, positive, joyful, future government. None of that matters. “They” are not going to allow a woman to be in charge.
- My head pounds as I read about J.D. Vance being backed by billionaires who will want their share of power as soon as Trump can be disposed of. I’m betting they use an insanity plea to get him back to Mar-a-Logo where he belongs. The creators of the 2025 Project are next in line and more dangerous to our democracy than a crazy old orange dude simulating oral sex with a microphone.
- My hope is shattered and I’m depressed causing convulsions, vomiting, sweating, and heart failure when I contemplate the chaos that old lecherous phony will present on the news every single day.
- My knee jerk reflex is to flee the country. That is definitely my advice to Liz Cheney. Don’t be target practice on FOX .
Instead of running away, I’ll stock up on Kirkland boxed red before the grape pickers are deported.
Everything is not okay, and it feels like the end of our democracy.